Questions, Guides, tutorials and other posts that are related to programming and the development of software across all platforms and programming languages.
Latest Questions
Function Keys Reversing Between Fn Actions And Normal
My keyboard has the usual F1 to F12 keys along the top. I use these for shortcuts in various applications. These keys also have...
C# How to pass ulong argument to unit test via TestCase decorator
I have a unit test where I want to pass some arguments into the test method via the TestCase decorator. The argument I need...
tinymce.activeEditor.getContent() returns empty string
I am trying to write some javascript code that will pull the content from the WordPress editor. I found code online that does this...
Tui Image editor font size larger than 100?
Dan -
When adding text to an image using the tui image editor, the font can only go to 100px or whatever the unit of measurement...
Social icons not showing for WordPress 2020 theme
I am adding some social links to the social menu as part of the theme editor. I am using the WordPress 2020 theme. The...
JsPdf throwing errors when trying to add PNG image to pdf document
I am able to add a jpg image to a pdf document using insert image but for some reason the code throws an error...
Latest Posts
How To Fix PHP Random Being The Same
Having spent some time dealing with random numbers in C#, i was a little stumped when coming to php when I found myself having...
Why no WebP Support with WordPress
There are many different image formats out there but the common web formats would be jpg, gif, and png. Most websites are going to...
Replace WordPress Cron With Linux Cron
WordPress has a built int cron feature that will allow the overall platform and for plugins to run tasks. By default, this cron will...
Customize Yoast Canonical URL Programmatically
When you install the Yoast plugin for Wordpress, you will find that it will automatically generate the canonical tag for you on all web...
[Centos] Delete All Files And Folders That Contain a String
Deleting files on a linux system is normally something you use the RM command for. In some cases you might want to be more...
Your project does not reference “.NETFramework,Version=v4.8” Error
If you have switched between feature branches where one is quite a bit behind the other, you may find you see the following error.
Resize Canvas Using HTML Slider
The HTML 5 Canvas has to be one of the coolest features that has been introduced in quite some time. Solid and well built,...
Parsing CSV Row To C# Object
With the widespread popularity of Nuget, there is a package for everything in C#. Parsing CSVs are no exception, but this feels like overkill....
CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. For most scenarios, what it does is let you use Javascript to make HTTP requests to a different...
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Latest Tools
List Sorting Tool
Welcome to our innovative list ordering and management tool. This next-level platform enables you to sort a list of items in ascending or descending...
Sudoku Solver
Welcome to our free online Sudoku solving tool, an interactive platform for puzzle enthusiasts seeking a break from a Sudoku conundrum. This advanced platform...
Apply Image Filters To Image
Digital imagery in the modern world is all about reinforcing emotions and stories behind each photo we take. To amplify this storytelling, we are...
Add Watermark To Image
As the world is increasingly consumed by digital media, protecting your original images is paramount. We are thrilled to introduce you to our innovative...
CSV To Xml Converter
Welcome to our CSV to XML converter tool, a convenient and user-friendly solution for all your data conversion needs. This versatile tool on our...
RGB Image Splitter
Welcome to our innovative RGB Splitter - a unique image analyzer tool that offers an in-depth peek into the building blocks of your photos....