Home Tool Image Tools Image To Base64 String Online Converter

Image To Base64 String Online Converter

Image To Base64 String Online Converter

This free tool will allow you to convert an image on your device to a base 64 encoded string. The resulting string will allow you to store the image in a location that does not use a traditional file system.

Select an image from your device using the control below. Click convert and it will convert the image to a base64 string. There is an issue where very large images will cause the browser window to freeze. To avoid this from happening, large images will be resized before being converted to a base 64 string. The result will be displayed in the text box below.

image to base 64

The string provided in the box above is the image rendered in the form of a base 64 string. There are many uses for this. One useful scenario is using the image in a HTML page. Quite surprisingly, you are able to use the image to base 64 string in the src of an image tag.

<img src="base 64 string" alt="this image was created using the image to base 64 encoder">

Converting Large Images to Base 64

The tool will convert the image to a string using html 5. The process is fairly simple, but there is a limitation. Because this occurs in the web browser, a very large image could cause the tab to run out of memory. We all know Chrome loves RAM, but even Chrome will fall over with these strings. An image that is 500kb, will be converted to a string and then encoded which often results in a string that is even longer than 500’000 characters.

Due to this issue, I have had to add some limitations to the tool to prevent images being converted to very large strings. If a width or height goes over 1000px, the image will be reduced to 1000px to ensure the resulting string does not break the web browser.


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