Beginners Guide To SEO


    SEO is one of the biggest buzzwords when it comes to digital marketing these days. Why pay for adverts when you can get buckets of organic traffic from Google completely free? The process of optimizing your web pages to show up in Google search results is known as SEO or “Search Engine Optimization”. The market is competitive and Google’s algorithm has gotten incredibly clever that it is almost impossible to cheat. That doesn’t mean you can’t easily get to #1 on Google for many search terms, this guide is going to explain how to do it.

    For someone who is just getting started in the area. Getting up to speed can feel like a huge hill to climb. Thankfully, it isn’t quite as complicated as it might initially seem. This SEO guide is split up into sections below. I would suggest you read it in order as there are examples and references in some of the later pages to items explained early on. Before getting started, you are going to need to have the following things in order to take full advantage of this guide.

    By following all of the sections in this beginner’s guide to SEO, you should leave with a solid understanding of all of the basics when it comes to SEO. What the common problems are and how to avoid them. Most importantly, everything you need to do and know to be able to get your website to rank in the Google search results. This is SEO 101.