This tool will allow you to fetch the HTTP status code for a web page. All you need to do is provide the URL in the box below and click submit. The site will perform a get request to the URL and return the status code to you here.
Every HTTP request to a website should return a status code to indicate the status of the request. Each code will be linked to a common error that helps debug the cause of the failure if a failure occurred. A http status code will be returned as part of the request headers. This means that you can get the response using a head request without needing to get the full body of the request.
Successful Requests: Successful requests return the standard 200 response. If a request returns 200, the webserver is telling you that the request is all good.
Bad Requests: Requests that begin with a 4 are request errors that are caused by invalid information that you have provided in the request. A bad request may not always be your fault. A 404 is the most common error people will see. This can happen if the post was deleted on the origin website. A URL may have once been valid but no longer works.
Error Requests: Requests that begin with a 5 are server errors. This means that something has failed on the origin web server. This could be a bug or a critical failure on the origin web server. It may also be caused by a bad request that the code on the server was not designed to handle correctly. Normally, it is on the web developer to fix this issue, but if it is urgent to get it fixed, you should check your request to see if you are sending a bad request that the server is unable to handle correctly.