If you are a website owner looking to get more visitors for your website, you have more than likely heard of SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of optimizing your website in order for it to show up in search results on search engines such as Google and Bing.
If you are a website owner looking to get more visitors for your website, you have more than likely heard of SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of optimizing your website in order for it to show up in search results on search engines such as Google and Bing.
Google has reported that there are an average of 63’000 searches per second. Every single second of every single day there are 63’000 people searching for something. If your website appears at the top of the search results very often, you are going to get a large amount of this traffic.
Why Is SEO Important?
Well, it is important because it is the primary way most websites get visitors these days. The more time and effort you put into your website, the more frustrating it will be if nobody reads it. If someone else has a good SEO strategy and you have a poor one, their web pages will show up in organic searches and yours will not. Even if your content is better than the competition, your posts will not show up as #1 on search engine results without taking SEO into consideration.
At the end of the day search engines are pieces of software. Complicated search engine algorithms are used to scan a web page and determine a page SEO score. If you do not tick all of the boxes then you will not get as good of a score as your competitors who are ticking all the boxes.
How Do I Implement SEO?
SEO is not a magic button that can simply be enabled and this is where most people fall short. SEO is a practice that you must follow every day of the week. If you have been neglecting it, then you will have to go back and modify a lot of your work to make it rank better in search engine results.
This guide will show you how to correctly implement all modern search engine ranking practices and explain everything that you need to know about how SEO works.
Where to get started
If you are new to all of this, you will more than likely get overwhelmed at some stage, it is normal. I would suggest you read through the entire guide before giving up, but If i can share one tip right now, it is that content is the most important thing. If you have good content then you will more than likely rank for keywords right away. The main issue people have is when more than one website are ranking for the same keyword, how do you come out on top? This is where you will need to have the more intricate aspects of SEO explained.
This SEO guide has been structured in a way to explain the foundations before progressing onto the more complicated aspects. By the end, you should have a well rounded understanding of what SEO is and how to improve your website in the long term.