Resetting smart plugs is generally quite easy because there is a button that can be held to reset them. This is the case for TP-link Tapo plugs but what about the light bulbs. How do you reset TP link Tapo smart bulbs when they do not have a button to interact with?
Depending on the situation, there are two ways to reset a Tapo bulb in order to allow you to link this bulb with a different account.
Using the Tapo Smart App
If you still have access to the smart app that is linked with the Tapo bulb you are trying to reset, you can delete this bulb from the account which will trigger the reset and allow you to pair the bulb with another account.
Force Reset Using Light Switch
If you no longer have access to the account the light bulb is registered to, you can perform a forced reset by flicking the light switch five times in a row. This will force the bulb into its default pairing mode and unlink it from the account it is currently connected with.
To perform this correctly, power on the bulb, wait for half a second or so, then power it off, wait for half a second or so, and power it back on. Repeat this five times until the bulb begins to flash on its own. Once you see this flashing, the process is complete and the bulb has now been reset correctly.