Use this free tool to add text to an image. Simply select the image file that you want to overlay text onto and you will get a small editor with preview. Set the font size, style and set the stroke or text outline. You can then save the image in a range of different web-friendly image formats. No watermark will be placed on the image, the process is completely free.
Select an Image File
*Supports jpg, jpeg, png, gif
Other browsers may support additonal formats such as webp
Other browsers may support additonal formats such as webp
*Drag text to change position
Font Style | |
Text Align | |
Font Size | |
Outline Thickness | |
Image Format |
All images you select are only ever stored in your web browser to reduce bandwidth. Uploading excessively large images 3000px + may cause some performance issues in your web browser. The larger the image you select the larger the font size required to add text to the image effectively. Use a stroke/outline to make the text more defined over the image.
Is this site offering an APP or do i simply use it to enable a grid on my photo for personal usage?
No app for this, just a web based tool